Strategic Planning
Doreen and Scott work with Community Officials, Staff, Developers and the Community-at-Large, together and / or separately, to chart a course toward successful community. As Consultants, we see our role as bridge builders, working hard to ensure successful communication of goals and needs. We work to blend economics, environment, health and aesthetics.
Community Design
Whether it be a brand new Master Planned Community, a refresher for a historic downtown or a land use / General Plan update we first work with the public or private client to clarify goals and find consensus as to the preferred physical form.
From the UN World Commission on Environment and Development: “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
We bring this goal to each project that we undertake. More importantly, we work to make this goal and the three legs of the sustainability stool - Environment, Social Equity, Economics a reality. Goals are excellent, we think implementation is better.
Current and Long Range Planning Support
General Plan Updates, Comprehensive Plans, Housing Element Updates, Design Guidelines, Specific Plans, Zoning Code Updates, Subdivision Regulations, Plot Plan, Project Review, Long Range and Current Planning Staff. Yes.
Environmental Regulation
Our environmental background includes preparing and evaluating EIR's and EIS's, Initial Studies / Mitigated Negative Declarations and special environmental studies. However, at EDI we focus on identifying potential environmental impacts and providing advice on how to minimize impact as part of the design / project initiation process. When impacts are identified we provide workable solutions to address them.